
Dark Web Scans, Cyber Assessments and CyberGuard360’s CRIS score provides a prospecting tool-kit that helps convert prospects to clients.

CyberSecurity Assessment System (CAT)

A cybersecurity prospecting and sales tool

  • Cyber Risk Assessment
  • Instantly Generated, Automated Workplan
  • Customizable Cyber Report
  • White Labelled Partner Branding

Dark Web Scanning

Deep Diver is our Dark Web Monitoring engine. Ever-vigilant, Deep Diver continually monitors the Dark Web for compromised credentials and PII. When a new breach is identified on the Dark Web, it is scanned for the domains or email addresses of the clients you monitor and alerts you and/or your client immediately if they are found. Any alerts you choose to go directly to your client are fully white-labeled!

Dark Web Scanning

CRIS0 Score

Cyber defenses are complex, and implementing them might just be rocket-science! CyberGuard360’s CRIS0 (Cyber Risk Index Score) is a FICO-like risk score that measures how ready you are for a modern cyberattack.

What is your CRIS0 score?

Assesses risk level and probability of a breach

Teaser Reports provide quick understanding of the organisations’s security against a cyber threat

Convince prospects to schedule full appointment and develop a plan to tighten their security

Upgrade Your Clients’ Security

MSPs and IT Service Providers can use CP360 to-


Calculate the risk of a successful breach happening


Identify what holes exist in your organizations’ security posture


Generate personalized reports for clients

Read What Our Clients Say About Us

Quotation Mark
CG360 cements our relationship as essential business partners

Jud Baldock

Owner, ValceonTechnology

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